Motivation Action Plan: How To Get Motivated

Fed Up Of Resolutions That Don’t Work? Click here to see the saving idea of plus one penny a day. It’s almost New Year’s Day, the traditional time for creating resolutions you want to achieve for the incoming year. Have you made New Year Resolutions before? Did you keep them? How long did they last? […]

The Best Habit Of All

The Best Habit Of All What if I told you there was a habit you could develop that could improve your health; help you lose weight; make it less likely that you have an accident, a heart attack or a stroke; improve your productivity; increase your concentration; improve your mental health; and, possibly reduce the […]

Overcome Denial

I’m In Denial – Now What? This was told to me by someone I knew some years ago: Agnes’s Story “I know others have told me to lose weight. Even my doctor has told me to lose weight. I thought he said ‘wait, wait’ and I asked, ‘wait for what?’ ‘No,’ he said, ‘The problem […]

Motivation For Weight Loss

Need Motivation To Lose Weight? Do you want to lose weight? Or have your friends, your partner or your doctor told you that you could do with dropping a few pounds? What is your reaction? Do you pat your muffin tops or your belly and agree, then forget about it? Do you starve yourself for […]

5 Ways To Free Yourself From Food Addiction

Food Addiction Addiction to certain substances has long been recognized but now food addiction, including sugar addiction, is being seen as a serious problem too. It is thought that the reward centers of the brain are activated when we eat something we perceive as a reward or a comfort in the same way an addictive […]