Do I Need a Personal Transformation? 9 Questions to Ask

Sometimes we all need a change. New habits, a fresh outlook, a different goal…all these are wonderful new beginnings. But are they a transformation?

Personal transformation goes deeper than surface changes. It addresses the deeper questions of who you are and what you want to accomplish in life. It gives you a fresh mindset and works through the reasons you’ve stalled out in the past. Personal transformation involves hard work because it’s, in essence, creating a new you from the very core, outward.

So, how do you know if you need a Personal Transformation over a small change? Start by asking these questions.

Am I Doing What I Really Want To?
We can’t always do what we want every second of the day. But if you’re finding those moments of personal satisfaction are very few, and far between, it might be time to do some transformational work.

What Does the Future Me Look Like?
If you stay on the path you’re on now, what will you be doing in 1 year? In 5? In 10? Do you like this person? Is this what you’ve imagined for yourself?

Am I Honoring My Dreams?
We all have goals and aspirations. What are yours? Is what you’re doing right now pushing you toward these goals in any way? Are the goals you’re working for right now in accordance with those you wish to achieve in the future?

What Am I Losing Out On?
If you stay where you are, are you leaving something else behind? Did you have certain things you wished to do with your life which you won’t achieve if nothing changes?

Do You Have the Energy You Need to Achieve What You Want?
If you have mental or physical health issues that are holding you back, you need to consider these factors seriously. Doing what’s harmful to you on any level is always a bad idea. Even constant exhaustion can wear you down, causing huge health problems such as heart disease, which could shorten your life.

Are You In a Rut?
Do you feel challenged at all in what you’re doing right now? Or is everything just too easy?

How Are You Using Your Gifts?
We all have things we’re naturally good at. Are you using any of your talents right now? How would you like to be using these talents?

Do You Have Things You Really Dislike About Your Life?
If you hate certain aspects of your life, it’s time for a change.

If the News Was Bad, What Would You Do Instead?
Ask yourself what you would want to do with the time you have left if you were dying. If this doesn’t look like what you’re doing now, you might want to take a hard look at your life.

While these questions aren’t definitive, they should at least give you an idea of whether it’s time for some changes to be made. The good news? Personal transformation answers all of these concerns and more. You really can have the life you always wanted.