Self-Care Is All About Living Well

Many people are surprised to learn how much better they feel when they simply focus on themselves for a change. Unfortunately, we often get caught up in the idea that self-care is a selfish act. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth, and the way that we take care of ourselves has a direct […]

Identify The Things That Get In The Way Of Your Life

This page contains affiliate links Have you ever felt like things are not going right in your life and everything is working against you? This happens to a lot of people who are in pursuit of a better life. So much gets into the way of our careers, relationships, dreams, and social life among other […]

Gain Clarity By Keeping A Journal

Thoughts come and they go, the same goes for wonderful ideas capable of changing the course of your life for good. I could liken them to the rain, in due season it falls but if we aren’t witty enough to build dams to retain it then it goes deep into the earth wasted. The sun […]

5 Ways Journaling Can Improve Your Focus

Journaling Helps Because … Journaling gives you the power to master your emotions, track your thought patterns, get rid of bad habits, and understand what needs to be changed in your life. It is also a great way of understanding yourself and makes it easier for you to trace as well as eliminate negative thoughts […]