Using Your Journal To Improve Intuition

What Is Intuition – Are You Intuitive Have you ever heard an inner voice that told you to do this or not to do that? Did you pay attention to it? This is a little voice that says, “Take this route instead tonight,” or “Don’t push onto that crowded bus, go and get a coffee […]

Easy Creative Problem Solving

No one likes it when they are stuck at a simple problem and can’t find an instant solution to it. It can feel like a giant gas balloon inside you that starts to grow as soon as you face the problem and it is almost on the verge of bursting if you do not find […]

Walk On The Other Side

Insanity has been defined as “Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results”. There is disagreement on who coined the phrase. There is even disagreement on whether the saying is useful at all. But I was reminded of it this morning on a rural walk. I take the same walk most mornings […]

Comfort Zone

What Is Your Comfort Zone? And no, it’s not just the place where your cat curls up to sleep! It is your personal mental place where things are familiar and comfortable, neither too easy nor too hard and where you feel in control of your environment, with low levels of stress. You could think of it as that […]