Using Your Journal To Improve Intuition
What Is Intuition – Are You Intuitive
Have you ever heard an inner voice that told you to do this or not to do that? Did you pay attention to it? This is a little voice that says, “Take this route instead tonight,” or “Don’t push onto that crowded bus, go and get a coffee and wait for the next one,” or “Don’t go down that street,”. Your intuition is that little voice (or it could be pictures, or a hunch, or a video or words) that gives you ideas and suggestions that will improve your life in some way, big or small. It might help you avoid a traffic jam or an accident or even a mugging.
Why Become More Intuitive
Your intuition always has your best interests at heart, it will NEVER tell you to do something harmful to you or others, if it does, ignore it, it is not your intuition working. Using your intuition can stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but never more than you’re capable of. You will be challenged but also supported. It can be scary but it will also gently warn when to stop or turn around. Tuning into your intuition and being guided by it can help you feel at ease with yourself and all your life experiences and make challenges much easier. You may also be surprised how good fortune just lands in your lap (synchronicity).
How To Improve Your Intuition
If you feel you have never heard any little voice that could be your intuition calling, then learning to recognize and listen to it will require time, patience and practice, just like building up stamina or muscle. Watch out for ideas, feelings or hunches, that crop up. Be aware of the voice that accompanies it. Is it gentle, positive, supportive? Start small, don’t make those huge, life-changing decisions if you are just starting out. Practice and trust and starting out on the small things will help you learn that the little voice is telling you that something is the right thing to do and it is working in your best interests. As you work on and with your intuition, any worries or anxieties you may have should lessen, you’ll learn to trust that situations will all work out well, and maybe even better than you imagined!
Using Your Journal To Develop Your Intuition
9 Steps To Develop Your Intuition
You already have it, you just need to recognize this and then you can start developing it. Did you ever get “a feeling” about something – maybe something not right, or choosing a different way to do something? That could have been your intuition at work. It’s your mind using all of its abilities, not just those pieces of information that consciously you are aware of. How do you know whether you can you trust intuition? And whether you can improve it?
1. Recognize it and encourage it.
2. Set aside a small amount of time each day to listen to your intuition
3. Give it good information to work with, that is, study the areas in which you want to use it, before expecting good answers or before trusting your hunches
4. Use meditation to give yourself the peace and quiet that will allow that little voice to be heard more clearly
5. Ask questions that you would like your intuition to provide answers on
6. Use your journal to immediately write down the questions and any answers you receive. Like dreams, hunches fade quickly.
7. Study it to make it more trustworthy. There may be some areas your intuition is better at than others, maybe good with stock picks or poor with people. Become intuitive about your intuition. Question your hunches, study the feelings you get about them and you may be able to improve your intuition because you recognise areas where old feelings are affecting it.
8. Take action on your hunches and record the results
9. Try to find areas in your own life where you intuitively operate.